ORA-01031: insufficient privileges (when the inline view is updated)
пятница, 18 октября 2013 г.
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Error: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges (when the inline view is updated).
Cause: This user has no right to "update" on the table joined in the select.
I got an error when the script is executed.
update (
select emp.comm
from scott.dept dept, scott.emp
where dept.loc = 'CHICAGO' and
emp.deptno = dept.deptno
set comm = comm + 100;
User "test" had the following rights:
grant select, update on emp to test;
grant select on dept to test;
To execute update user "test" must have the right to "update" to all fields of tables joined in the select.
grant update (deptno, loc) on dept to test;
Or the entire table:
grant update on dept to test;
UPD: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges (when logging in as sqlplus "/ as sysdba")
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