KUP-04026: field too long for datatype
пятница, 14 июня 2013 г.
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When reading from the external table I get an error.
KUP-04021: field formatting error for field COL06
KUP-04026: field too long for datatype
KUP-04101: record 8 rejected in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/dpdump/data01.csv
Here's my current table definition:
create table t_data01 (
col01 varchar2(100 char),
col02 varchar2(100 char),
col03 varchar2(30 char),
col04 varchar2(30 char),
col05 varchar2(30 char),
col06 varchar2(500 char),
col07 varchar2(50 char),
col08 varchar2(30 char),
col09 date,
col10 date,
col11 date,
col12 varchar2(50 char)
organization external (
type oracle_loader
default directory data_pump_dir
access parameters (
records delimited by 0x'0d' characterset cl8mswin1251
badfile data_pump_dir:'t_data01.bad'
logfile data_pump_dir:'t_data01.log'
discardfile data_pump_dir:'t_data01.dsc'
fields terminated by '¤'
missing field values are null
reject rows with all null fields
col01, col02, col03, col04, col05,
col06, col07, col08, col09 date 'dd.mm.rr', col10 date 'dd.mm.rr',
col11 date 'dd.mm.rr', col12
location ('data01.csv')
reject limit unlimited;
In the description of the table for the column "col06" type is set to "varchar2 (500 char)". But ORACLE_LOADER uses the type and size of the default, "COL06 CHAR(255). This can be seen in the log file.
COL06 CHAR (255)
Terminated by "В¤"
Trim whitespace same as SQL Loader
In setting for ORACLE_LOADER must specify the size of the column.
-- ...
col01, col02, col03, col04, col05,
col06 char(500), col07, col08, col09 date 'dd.mm.rr', col10 date 'dd.mm.rr',
col11 date 'dd.mm.rr', col12
-- ...
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