[DOM_10022] The master gateway node for the domain is not available. Electing another master gateway. Wait for the election of the master gateway node to complete. If the problem persists, verify that the master gateway node is running.
I have error:
2014-03-06 01:11:08,122 ERROR [Monitor Guaranteed Message Logger Thread] [CCM_10322] While logging messages to the Log Service, the following error occurred: [[DOM_10022] The master gateway node for the domain is not available. Electing another master gateway. Wait for the election of the master gateway node to complete. If the problem persists, verify that the master gateway node is running.]. Fix the errors written to the node.log file.
com.informatica.isp.domainservice.exceptions.ISPMasterNotAvailableException: [DOM_10022] The master gateway node for the domain is not available. Electing another master gateway. Wait for the election of the master gateway node to complete. If the problem persists, verify that the master gateway node is running.
The master gateway node for the domain is not available.
Master Node should update each 8 seconds field LAST_REFRESH_TIME in table PCSF_MASTER_ELECTION.
Domain Monitor tracks that this field is updated. If the field is not updated, then Master Node died.
Increase the value of MasterDBRefreshInterval from 8(8 seconds default) to 25...30 seconds.
And increase the value of infa.masterUpdateTimeInterval from 15000(15000 milliseconds default) to 30000...200000 milliseconds.
MasterDBRefreshInterval is custom parameter in Domain properties.
infa.masterUpdateTimeInterval is command line property for the node process.
On Linux\Unix
$ export INFA_JAVA_OPTS="-Dinfa.masterUpdateTimeInterval=30000"
On Windows
"-Dcatalina.base=C:\informatica\9.5.1\tomcat -Dcatalina.home=C:\informatica\9.5.1\tomcat -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\informatica\9.5.1\tomcat\common\endorsed -Duser.dir=C:\informatica\9.5.1\tomcat\bin -DINFA_PLUGINS_HOME=C:\informatica\9.5.1\plugins -DINFA_HOME=C:\informatica\9.5.1 -DINFA_DEV_LOG_DIR= -DINFA_DOMAINS_FILE=C:\informatica\9.5.1\domains.infa -Djava.io.tmpdir=C:\informatica\9.5.1\tomcat\temp -Xrs -XX:GCTimeRatio=9 -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:\informatica\9.5.1\tomcat\bin\isplogging.properties -Dinfa.masterUpdateTimeInterval=30000"
See also: How to configure node heartbeat intervals for internal health check of Informatica nodes and domain
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